OneOps administrator accounts have powerful controls that can help you customize team and individual access. By following these best practices, you can easily set up OneOps to suit your business needs.
Make customizing access within OneOps simply by creating teams within your organization. You can add users to a team at any time, and assign privileges to the team as a whole. That way you can give groups of users the same access quickly and easily.
A new user has to log into the OneOps site and accept the terms and conditions. When the user is added to the system, the user can be granted access to one or more organizations by adding the user to an existing group or team or simply adding the user without any specific team access. User once added to an organization, without team specific priviledge has read-only access to all clouds within the organization, but no access to assemblies.
Users can also be managed using groups. A group has one or more users. Such groups can then be added to one or more teams.
Team is the way to manage access control for the users.
See Create Team
The Admin is the most powerful control and should be limited to very few associates in an organization. Admin has priviledge to add/update/delete any resource within an organization
An admin team pre-exists in all of the organizations. Add the user or group to this admin team.
Create a team with both Manage Access and Organization Scope checked and uncheck all Cloud/Assembly permissions. Members of this team have read-only access to the complete organization.
Create a team with Manage Access checked only. Members of this team are only able to create a new assembly or cloud without the ability to add platforms/environments to the assembly or cloud services to the cloud.
Create a team with Assembly Permissions checked (all DTO). Add this team to the assembly where members are required management access
Create a team with Manage Access checked along with Assembly permissions. Members of this team have rights to create and manage their assemblies.
Create a team with Organization Scope checked along with compliance or support permission as required. Add a Support/Compliance object to the clouds which would require deployment approval from this team members to proceed.