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Add Monitors

Adding a monitor is specific to each component. These steps are very generic and only give an overview of what to do if a new monitor needs to be added to a component:

Go to the pack where you want to add the monitor.

Add a Monitors using existing script

  1. Let say we need to add the log monitor on resource. Since we already have check_logfiles script. We can use it.
:monitors => {  
    'Log' => {:description => 'Log',
          :source => '',
          :chart => {'min' => 0, 'unit' => ''},
          :cmd => 'check_logfiles!logtomcat!#{cmd_options[:logfile]}!#{cmd_options[:warningpattern]}!#{cmd_options[:criticalpattern]}',
          :cmd_line => '/opt/nagios/libexec/check_logfiles   --noprotocol --tag=$ARG1$ --logfile=$ARG2$ --warningpattern="$ARG3$" --criticalpattern="$ARG4$"'
          :cmd_options => {
                'logfile' => '/var/log/tomcat6/catalina.out',
                'warningpattern' => 'WARNING',
                'criticalpattern' => 'CRITICAL'
}, :metrics => {
               'logtomcat_lines' => metric(:unit => 'lines', :description => 'Scanned Lines', :dstype => 'GAUGE'),
                   'logtomcat_warnings' => metric(:unit => 'warnings', :description => 'Warnings', :dstype => 'GAUGE'),
               'logtomcat_criticals' => metric(:unit => 'criticals', :description => 'Criticals', :dstype => 'GAUGE'),
               'logtomcat_unknowns' => metric(:unit => 'unknowns', :description => 'Unknowns', :dstype => 'GAUGE')
}, :thresholds => {
            'CriticalLogException' => threshold('15m', 'avg', 'logtomcat_criticals', trigger('>=', 1, 15, 1), reset('<', 1, 15, 1)),

Add a Monitors , Creating a new script.

  1. To create a new monitor, a new script needs to be created. This script can be placed in the monitor cookbook, or if it’s specific to the component in question, it can be placed under the component’s own cookbook. refer Monitoring Component

For adding to existing directories :

  1. Create Directories “template/default” in Zookeeper Oneops pack in the zookeeper component and add your script file with the extension of filename.extn.erb
  2. Add the following code to your add.rb "packer/components/cookbooks/zookeeper/recipes/add.rb". This is used to copy your .erb file in the /opt/nagios/libexec and nagios will read from there.
template "/opt/nagios/libexec/check_zk.py" do
  source "check_zk.py.erb"
  mode 0755
  owner "oneops"
  group "oneops"

check_zk.py is the name of the script.

  1. Add the monitor in the pack "packs/platform/zookeeper.rb"
'zookeepernode' => {:description => 'ZookeeperNode',
                       :source => '',
                       :chart => {'min' => '0', 'max' => '100', 'unit' => 'Percent'},
                       :cmd => 'check_zk',
                       :cmd_line => '/opt/nagios/libexec/check_zk.py',
                       :metrics => {
                           'up' => metric(:unit => '%', :description => 'Percent Up'),
                       :thresholds => {
                           'ZookeeperProcessDown' => threshold('1m', 'avg', 'up', trigger('<', 90, 1, 1), reset('>', 90, 1, 1))
LOG Format:
if [ $ec != 0 ]; then
echo "$1 down |up=0"
echo "$1 up |up=100"

See Also