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An optional monitor within a Pack Component Resource contains:
and cmd_line
For additional information about dstype, see Metric Data Source Type in the OneOps Admin Documentation.
The following is a sample monitor definition from Tomcat’s pack:
resource "tomcat",
:cookbook => "tomcat",
:design => true,
:requires => { "constraint" => "1..1" },
:monitors => {
'JvmInfo' => { :description => 'JvmInfo',
:source => '',
:chart => {'min'=>0, 'unit'=>''},
:cmd => 'check_tomcat_jvm',
:cmd_line => '/opt/nagios/libexec/check_tomcat.rb JvmInfo',
:metrics => {
'max' => metric( :unit => 'B', :description => 'Max Allowed', :dstype => 'GAUGE'),
'free' => metric( :unit => 'B', :description => 'Free', :dstype => 'GAUGE'),
'total' => metric( :unit => 'B', :description => 'Allocated', :dstype => 'GAUGE'),
'percentUsed' => metric( :unit => 'Percent', :description => 'Percent Memory Used', :dstype => 'GAUGE'),
:thresholds => {
'HighMemUse' => threshold('5m','avg','percentUsed',trigger('>',98,15,1),reset('<',98,5,1)),