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Development Environment Setup

This document contains some older notes for the development environment setup and build. Refer to the overview for building from source and running OneOps.

Environment Setup

Configure the required environment variables as per your local setup.

export OO_HOME=~/work/projects/walmart
export CASSANDRA_HOME=~/install/apache-cassandra-1.2.6/
export AMQ_HOME=~/install/apache-activemq-5.11.1
export AMQ_PLUGIN_HOME=$OO_HOME/amq-plugin
export PG_HOME=/Library/PostgreSQL/9.2
export KLOOPZDB_HOME=$OO_HOME/db-schema/db

Optionally configure these variables in a script or even in your shell startup in ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile.

Add a number of host names for OneOps in your etc/hosts file in addition to localhost:

#Before       localhost
#After       localhost api antenna opsmq daq kloopzappdb kloopzcmsdb cmsapi sensor activitidb kloopzmq kloopzapp search searchmq opsdb activemqdb

Database Schema

Create the database schema:

  1. Navigate to $OO_HOME/db-schema/db
  2. Connect to the local postgres database via command line with - $sudo -u postgres psql postgres
  3. Execute the scripts
postgres=# \i single_db_schemas.sql
postgres=# /q

Validate database setup by connecting to all 3 databases - user, cms and activity.

| Database    |                             Jdbc URL        |  Credentials        |
| ----------- |:-------------                               |       -----         |
| User DB     | jdbc:postgresql://  | kloopz / kloopz     |
| CMS DB      | jdbc:postgresql://   | kloopzcm / kloopzcm |
| Activiti DB | jdbc:postgresql:// | activiti / activiti |

ActiveMQ Setup

Copy the file amqplugin-1.0.0-fat.jar from ~/.m2/repository/com/oneops/amqplugin/1.0.0/ to ActiveMQ’s lib folder.

Copy activemq.xml to the ActiveMP conf folder.

$ cd $AMQ_HOME/conf
$ curl -o activemq.xml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oneops/amq-plugin/master/src/main/resources/conf/amq_local_kahadb.xml

Set environment variable KLOOPZ_AMQ_PASS with export KLOOPZ_AMQ_PASS=kloopzamqpass

Now start ActivemqMQ server with

$ cd $AMQ_HOME/bin
$ cd /macosx
$ ./activemq restart && tail -100f ../../data/wrapper.log

Ensure to use the OS specific folder i.e macosx or linux-x86-64 or linux-x86-32.

Once the server started successfully, check the user interface at http://localhost:8161/admin and log in with the default credentials admin/admin.

Inductor Setup

Setup the stub for inductor:

$ cd $OO_HOME/dev-tools/inductor-stub
$ mvn clean install

Prepare and install the Inductor gem:

$ cd $OO_HOME/oneops-admin
$ mkdir target
$ cp $OO_HOME/inductor/target/inductor-1.1.0.jar target/
$ gem build oneops-admin.gemspec
$ gem install oneops-admin-1.0.0.gem

This step might take 2-3 mins.

You can validate a successful install with the command inductor help. In case of any errors, it can be helpful to provide complete permissions to rvm or rubies folder.

Create one inductor for each cloud like aws, azure, openstack, etc..

$ cd ~/install
$ inductor create
$ cd inductor
$ inductor add
Queue? /public/oneops/clouds/aws
What is the authorization key? awssecretkey

Edit cloud related information in ~/install/inductor/clouds-enabled/public.oneops.clouds.aws/conf/inductor.properties as shown below

max_consumers = 10
local_max_consumers = 10
amq.authkey = awssecretkey
amq.zone = /public/oneops/clouds:aws
# Following needs to be uncommented in case if we want to stub the cloud
#stub.clouds=dev-dfwstg2 #This is the cloud we create through OneOps display UI.

Provide trustStore as JVM startup argument for proper activeMQ connection in ~/install/inductor/clouds-enabled/public.oneops.clouds.aws/conf/vmargs.


Link circuit-oneops-1 inside inductor.

$ cd ~/install/inductor
$ ln -s $OO_HOME/circuit-oneops-1 circuit-oneops-1

Start the inductor.

$ inductor start

You can check the status of Inductor with inductor status (or) ps –ef | grep inductor

Running the Applications on Tomcat

Start Cassandra.

$ sudo -S ./cassandra -f

You can stop Cassandra with sudo -S pgrep -f cassandra | xargs -n 1 sudo kill -9

Add the following projects to Tomcat server.

Add the additional JVM arguments to Tomcat server startup parameters

-Doneops.url="http://localhost:3000" -Dcom.oneops.sensor.chdowntime=315360000 -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Dcom.sensor.cistates.cl=ONE

Create a file with 24 byte random string in $OO_HOME:

$ cd $OO_HOME
$ dd if=/dev/random count=24 bs=1 | xxd -ps > oo.des

Add environment variables to Tomcat server.

JAVA_OPTS=-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

Replace $OO_HOME value as the expression is not evaluated here. We provided default credentials. Relace those according to yours.

Create missing retry directories.

$ mkdir -p /opt/oneops/controller/antenna/retry
$ mkdir -p /opt/oneops/opamp/antenna/retry
$ mkdir -p /opt/oneops/cms-publisher/antenna/retry
$ mkdir -p /opt/oneops/transmitter/antenna/retry
$ mkdir -p /opt/oneops/transmitter/search/retry
$ mkdir -p /opt/oneops/controller/search/retry
$ mkdir -p /opt/oneops/opamp/search/retry

Start the Tomcat server. All applications should be deployed without any error in console.

Circuit Setup

Run below command to install the Circuit component after installing Inductor.

----Optional start-------------------
$ export CMS_API=http://localhost:8080
$ export CMSAPI=http://localhost:8080
$ mkdir -p  $OO_HOME/circuit-install
$ cd $OO_HOME/circuit-install
$ circuit create
$ cd circuit
$ circuit init
$ cd $OO_HOME/circuit-oneops-1
$ bundle install
$ circuit install

In case if you face any errors try bundle exec circuit create and ensure that Tomcat is running

Running OneOps

Add below environment variables to ~/.bash_profile.

export OODB_HOST=localhost
export OODB_USERNAME=********
export OODB_PASSWORD=********

Install bundler

$ cd $OO_HOME/display
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install

Set up the database’s DDL & DML

$ cd $OO_HOME/display
$ bundle exec rake db:schema:load
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate

Start the Ruby on Rails server

$ cd $OO_HOME/display
$ rails server

If the above gives error, try with bundle exec rails server

Now, the OneOps UI is available at http://localhost:3000


As part of development environment setup Elasticsearch is already downloaded at ~/install/elasticsearch1.7.1.

Change cluster name to oneops in ~/install/elasticsearch1.7.1/config/elasticsearch.yml

cluster.name: oneops

Start Elasticsearch and access the UI at http://localhost:9200/

$ cd ~/install/elasticsearch1.7.1/bin
$ ./elasticsearch

Setup OneOps related templates & data. Refer to README.

$ cd $OO_HOME/search/src/main/resources/es/templates
$ curl -d @./cms_template.json -X PUT http://localhost:9200/_template/cms_template
$ curl -d @./event_template.json -X PUT http://localhost:9200/_template/event_template
$ curl -d @./cost_template.json -X PUT http://localhost:9200/_template/cost_template
$ cd $OO_HOME/search

Run SearchListener

$ java -jar -Dnodes=localhost:9300 -Dindex.name=cms-all -Damq.user=system -Damq.pass=abcd -Dcluster.name=oneops target/search.jar -Dsun.net.spi.nameservice.provider.1=dns,sun -Dsun.net.spi.nameservice.provider.2=default